Rian van der Merwe

Product leader, curious learner, and music fanatic

Hi 👋

👨‍💻 My name is Rian and I live in Portland, OR with my wife (who is an amazing therapist ↗) and two daughters. I am a Director of Product at Cloudflare ↗ where I support our Data Infrastructure team.

✍️ I write a blog called called Elezea ↗, primarily for product managers, technology leaders, and other curious minds. The site also hosts my portfolio and resumé.

🎸 I run a side project ↗ with hand-picked music recommendations and real-time listening data.

🕰️ Here’s what I’m doing now.

☕️ Let’s connect further on Mastodon ↗ or LinkedIn ↗. You can also send me an email ↗.

👌 You look nice today.